Final State Exams – end of 4th semester

All final state exams and a thesis defense are verbal in front of a State Examination Committee. Exam period is the same for the whole VŠE – academic calendar.

Order of state exams/MT defense

  1. Minor Field Comprehensive Exam

  2. then International and Diplomatic Studies – final state exam MDS and Diploma Thesis Defence 2ODP (or the reversed order)

  3. always have your Minor Specialization successfuly finished first, otherwise you cannot defend your MT or take the MDS state exam

Minor Field Comprehensive Exam from 2IR minor specialization: defence of the Research Paper. Student prepares an oral presentation of his Research Paper that should be about 5 minutes long. Defence includes questions and discussion about the RP and can include questions about a semester abroad. The final grade for IDS minor specialization consists of RP reviews, RP defence and results from studying abroad. It is a comprehensive assessment of the minor specialization where the RP reviews are taken into account, performance at defense, and results from the semester abroad. Student receives reviews of his RP four working days before the date of the Minor Field Comprehensive Exam at the latest.

Final State Exam from IDS major specialization: student draws three questions from the topics listed on this website. There is about half an hour preparation for the questions.

The final state exam includes selected topics from the courses:

  • 2SE601
  • 2SM602
  • 2SM606
  • 2SM607
  • 2SM608

Topics and required readings are in the MDS syllabus.

Student prepares an oral presentation of their Master Thesis that should be about 5 minutes long. Defence includes questions and discussion about the MT. Student receives reviews of their MT via InSIS four working days before the date of the defence at the latest.

The defence of the final thesis takes place in front of the committee on the date for which the respective department registers the student. This depends on which department is your MT Supervisor from. The IDS office does not plan, nor registers students for the MT defence, as it is solely up to the departments. The departments ensure that the student defends their work in front of the committee where their supervisor participates in, in exceptional cases where the opponent of the thesis participates.

How to register for State Exams in InSIS:

All final state exams are defined as extra-semestral courses. Otherwise you register for them in exactly the same manner as other regular courses.

Use your InSIS —> My Study —> Student’s Portal —> choose Registration/Enrollment —> to register:

  • group sSZ  – e.g. 2IR2 – Minor Field Comprehensive Exam
  • group hSZ1 – MDS – Major specialization final state exam
  • group fSZ – 2ODP Defense of the Master’s Thesis