
IDS Student Interviews European Horizons Academic Supervisor

IDS student who acts as Social Media & Communications Manager of the European Horizons Prague Chapter, student-led think-tank of VSE, interviewed Mr. Josef Bič, the EuH Academic Supervisor. Full interview -> EuH Conversations – Josef Bič ENG.

IDS Student Interviews European Horizons Academic Supervisor

One of the Most Successful Authors of Scientific Articles at our Faculty and the IDS Assistant Professor Publishes a New Article

New article published by Jeremy Garlick, titled „The dragon dithers: assessing the cautious implementation of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Iran“. Jeremy Garlick is one of the IDS program’s Assistant Professors and one of the most successful authors of scientific articles at our faculty. This winter semester, you may meet with him during a […]

One of the Most Successful Authors of Scientific Articles at our Faculty and the IDS Assistant Professor Publishes a New Article

IDS lecturer, assoc. prof. Pavel Hnát in Daniel Stach’s special “Earth in Need” on Czech TV

“The world economy is heading for the deepest recession” or “The highest state budget deficit in the history of the Czech Republic” – these are just some of the headlines illustrating the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. It was on the ČT24 program Earth in Need that Daniel Stach (alumni of FIR) and his guests […]

IDS lecturer, assoc. prof. Pavel Hnát in Daniel Stach’s special “Earth in Need” on Czech TV

COVID-19 info

*page updated 28.8.2021 Guide to Recognition of vaccination certificates from other countries At the University: COVID-19 news: students entry to campus COVID-19: arriving students etc., updates & information by the Admission Office (including conditions for entering the territory of the Czech Republic, under “Coming to the Czech Republic”) At the Faculty of International Relations: none […]

COVID-19 info

IDS Alumni Reunion

We are pleased to invite IDS graduates to gather and re-connect at the first IDS Alumni Reunion! Come and share personal as well as professional experience with your former classmates and other alumni. IDS Alumni Reunion will take place on November 9, 2019 in the framework of the Alumni Evening at VŠE (W. Churchill sq. […]

IDS Alumni Reunion